
The Coming Dark Age

El sitio Plausible Futures cito ayer este sitio The Coming Dark Age.

"Western society displays the classic symptoms of a civilisation in decline. It is destined to collapse--just like every other civilisation there has ever been. The world will then enter a new dark age. This will be a time of great turmoil, suffering and insecurity. It will also be a time of opportunity and creativity. When the dark age ends, other nations and races are likely to take up the baton of human progress. They will lead the world in a new era of tremendous achievement. "

Parece ser un sitio muy contundente. Tiene varios ensayos, un libro --

THE PHOENIX PRINCIPLEAND THE COMING DARK AGE. Social catastrophes – human progress3000 BC to AD 3000 --

una sala de discusión, etcetera.

Lo agregaré a mis fuentes.

Imagen: una foto mía en un sitio que arme cuando era oficinista, parecido a Bartleby.

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