
"He seemed a little bit retarded"

Buscando el video de Annie Lennox de la cancion "Sex Crime" de la pelicula 1984 (ver ultimo post) me cruze con esto:

Documantary (unknown source, via You Tube) Smiths footage circa 1984.

No tiene nada de Futuratronico. Es Nostalgiatronico. ¿Pero como no lo iba a meter en el archivo?

"Ricky Maritn my ass" indeed. Word Up to EL Morrissey-o.

(Check out the skinny bard and Johnny Marr with the 80´s headphones in the recording studio. Observe the architecture and the technology. The housing estates etc.)

All of these things, this rambling blog included, are artifacts and evidence. There was always a future, and it never turned out as we expected it to.

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