Noticias cronenbergescas: se abrió una clínica de desintoxicación para adictos a los videojuegos.
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Imagen: de la película eXistenZ (1999) de David Croneberg (fuente).
Clínicas para adicciónes a los videojuegos
Publicadas por
Andrés Hax
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Etiquetas: videjuegos
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Detox Clinic Opening for Video Addicts Found 23 hours ago
Video games may look innocent, but they can be as addictive as gambling or drugs _ and just as hard to kick, says Keith Bakker, director of Amsterdam-based Smith & Jones Addiction Consultants. Bakker already has treated 20 video game addicts, aged 13 to 30, since January. Some show withdrawal symptoms, ...
19 links
Things That ... Make You Go... / Video game detox
Sad that people can get addicted to anything in this day and age, but yes, even video games for some can be self-destructive, via : Bakker already has treated 20 video game addicts, aged 13 to 30, since January. ... #
AFK Gamer / Do It Yourself Gaming Detox
AP: Europe's first detox clinic for gaming addictions in Amsterdam will open for business in July. For those of you without sufficient funds to send your children or loved ones to a European clinic, here's the cheap method for curing excessive gaming: ... #
USC Interactive Media... / Ok... you have a problem, you need to admit it.
via # / Detox for Fraggers
Find yourself spending a little longer than your customary 30 hours straight in a frag fest? Fear not! A detox center for video game addicts has been opened. #
ario's digital repository / ario's digital repository
I knew it was only a matter of time before there'd be video game addiction centers #
ario's digital repository / everybody get random
ok, i'm now on Vox , but I have no idea why I should care or use it. help! every new service should have a giant "why should I care" link up at the top of the first page the user sees. Solvent and Ectomorph are playing at Oscillate this Tuesday . ... #
Gadgetopia / Video Game Detox
Detox Clinic Opening for Video Addicts : Too bad it's in Europe, because I know a half-dozen people who could use this. Bakker already has treated 20 video game addicts, aged 13 to 30, since January. ... # / Detox Clinic Opening for Video Addicts
- # /
In Amsterdam… Some show withdrawal symptoms, such as shaking and sweating, when they look at a computer…. Bakker said he has seen signs of addiction in children as young as 8…. "Because it's so new, parents don't see that this is something that can be dangerous," Bakker said. ... #
Slog / Video Game: The gateway drug
Amsterdam is opening the world's first detox center for video game addicts. Since January, Keith Bakker, director of Amsterdam-based Smith & Jones Addiction Consultants, has already treated 20 gaming addicts ages 13-30. ... #
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